Phone: (507)418-7510


Degrees and Certifications:

Cherie Haas

As Teachers of English Language Learners, we work with administration, secretaries, and other teachers to identify multilingual students who need to develop proficiency in one or more areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing in academic English. We serve those students in a variety of ways, whether in a one-on-one or small group pull-out or push-in model, co-teaching in a general education classroom or monitoring their progress in the classroom. We identify, teach, monitor and exit students from our programs according to the MN state-adopted WIDA system.

NC WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards & Model Performance Indicators for English Language Learners

•   Grades 1 & 2

•   Grades 3-5

•   Grades 6-8

•   Grades 9-12